Sunday, April 11, 2010


picture, text & edit: paula lietz

Cherry Blossoms tease
Their soft scent adrift through trees.
Souls of two present.
Timeless entity lovely,
Waltzing with the waning moon.


picture: duane lietz
text & edit: paula lietz

Storm strives for balance,
Windswept across the prairie.
Illusional sun.

Understanding God

picture & edit: caitlin bailey
text: simone graff

I don't understand
His god but I believe in
The comfort it brings.

Dawn's Dream

picture: duane lietz
text & edit: paula lietz

Outloud in silence,
Moonbeam's desire lingers.
Dawn's dream awakes me.

Valentine's Day Haiku

picture: emilia lee
text: michael makowsky
edit: caitlin bailey

Chocolate of the fifteenth
Sixty percent off.


picture: d linton
text & edit: paula lietz

Heartbeat against mine~
May to September romance,
Time had no meaning.

Bugs Bite

picture & edit: caitlin bailey
text: simone graff

Lazing in the sun
Feel the warmth of spring's first rays
Shit, a mosquito.


picture, text & edit: paula lietz

Teacher to student~
Precious gift is knowledge shared.
Student is teacher.

The Wait

picture, text & edit: paula lietz

Treasured love letter~
Tear slips down man's withered face...
Nothing in the mail


picture: duane lietz
text & edit: paula lietz

Small hands hold keepsake
of parallel existence.
Cherished music box.


picture & text: sam green
edit: emilia lee

Booger on the wall
Get outta my potty stall
You nasty girl frien'