Wednesday, November 11, 2009

For Tyler

illustration, text & edit: caitlin bailey

Even when I'm gone
You and I will always have
These Little Wonders

Monday, November 9, 2009

Agent Hamster

picture, text & edit: tristan lee

I'm agent hamster
The enemy has seen me
I shall soon be out


text: vicki lee
picture & edit: caitlin bailey

Darkness finds your eyes
A moth up on the window
Slumber takes you home

All the Ladies...

text: abby grimsley
picture & edit: emilia lee

Independent: It's
such an easy word to say
but harder to be


picture: emilia lee
text & edit: tristan lee

A basement zombie
He likes Cheez-its and TV,
But he loves your brain


picture: emilia lee
text: abby grimsley
edit: caitlin bailey

You sing NSYNC and
Look happy with me. Too bad
You have a girlfriend

School Days

picture: lori langley
text & edit: linda bailey

Middle school is hard.
Most teens are evil people.
Kids fit in lockers.

Weird Tan, Ma

picture, text & edit: tristan lee

"How is the weather"
"I don't know Ma it looks fine"
"I'm going sun ta......."

What Have We Learned

text: andrew nichols
picture & edit: emilia lee

All I know to tell
Dashing Italian boys
Risky Business

Sunset or Sunrise

picture, text & edit: tristan lee

A pretty sunset
or a sunrise for my eyes
at "sp- lin-" twenty-five

Rainy Day

picture: philip mcquade
text & edit: lori langley

stomping through puddles
nature welcomes falling rain
no need to stay in

Dark and Neon

picture, text & edit: tristan lee

These look like big cells
every cell has dark and neon
few have more than me

Monday, November 2, 2009

Breaking Up

picture: troy freund
text: abby grimsley
edit: caitlin bailey

"Breaking up?" Yeah. I
Guess that's what you are doing
To my fucking heart.

Forbidden Fruit

picture: joey droter
text: abby grimsley
edit: caitlin bailey

I know you're taken
But you know I don't care. We
Move in for the kiss.

Consume Countless Green

text: jeffery gibson
picture & edit: emilia lee

Consume countless green,
grow a chrysalis. Never
comes out beautiful

Blow the Day Away

picture: krystyna holland
text: vicki lee
edit: caitlin bailey

Blow the day away
North wind sweeps, hair lifts, pause-
Release, cares fly free

We Succumb to Time

picture: troy freund
text: dom morris
edit: caitlin bailey

We succumb to time
And our goals tend to remain
Lost and unfinished


Dear Everyone,

Wednesday November 4th is my birthday. Please fill our inbox with haikus. It would be the most delightful gift in the world.

Love, Caitlin from The Haiku Project

Save the Turtles

picture: amy currier
text: linda bailey & amy currier
edit: linda bailey

Need to cross roads too.
Danger lurks in the form of cars
Your shell can't help now.

Tornado Drill

text: linda bailey, amy currier, & lori langley
picture & edit: linda bailey

Evacuate quick!
All students will sit in pairs...
leave no child behind.

Project Runway

picture: lori langley
text: linda bailey, lori langley, amy currier
edit: linda bailey

A challenge each week.
User the Macy's wall thoughtfully.
Andre, make it work!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

An Open Letter to You:

Dear internet, loyal haiku-ers, and those who have just stumbled on this by pure chance,

Hi. We really need to have a talk... and it's gonna be one of those talks that's really awkward, and we'll sit on the couch and you'll hold my hand and be like, "Baby, what's wrong?" And then I'll look at you, and I'll shake my head and look back down at the ground and I'll say quietly, "You know what's wrong." And then you'll say, "Baby, I can explain..." And maybe you can. Maybe you have some really good reason as to why you haven't sent us any haikus in the past two months, but I don't wanna hear it. I try and I try and I don't get anything back. All sorts of pop stars who sing about being empowered tell me that I don't have to put up with you and your fickle ways, but... I really thought we had something... I mean we made beautiful haikus for so many months and now...

I just want a little love, a little attention, a haiku now and then. Is that so much to ask? Haikus are the fuel of this relationship, and the spark... and the combustion engine that keeps our haiku project running.

Please please please send us haikus. We really need them. We need pictures and words to go with them and if you don't want to put them together we will... but we still need your submissions, without them, life is just a little more grey. We miss you. I miss you. Please baby... come back...

The Haiku Project


pictures, text & edit: caitlin bailey

All you can do is
Sit back and watch and pray they'll
end up together

Smoke and Mirrors

picture: caitlin baliey
text & edit: emilia lee

You divorce yourself
screen by screen push the world back
but plastic shields fail...

Orange Crushing...

picture, text & edit: emilia lee

Orange Crush on the floor.
my hear is on my sleeve, it
rises to your lips.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

You smell so good...

picture, text & edit: emilia lee

Ocean winds and rocks,
bedsm nights along... together
hold me everywhere.


text: mitchell mudd
picture & edit: emilia lee

Hey sexy lady,
lying there on top of me,
what will you do next?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Visit to the Nail Bar

picture, text & edit: sean priest

Leopard-print toenails
waling through concrete jungles
shining in the sun


picture, text & edit: jim bailey

Summer--all but gone
Soon it will be cold and grey
DAMN the Earth's orbit!

Mean You No Harm

picture, text & edit: sean priest

Watch the bumble bee
as it flies across my grave
it will not sting you


picture, text & edit: caitlin bailey

Rise and fall of my
Head on his chest listening
to his heart beating