Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stick that in your Can and Tumbl it!

You can now follow us on Tumblr!!!! Aren't you excited! I know you are. Check it here!

Love, The Staff or something

Friday, September 3, 2010

Parlez-vous français?

text: clayton geipel
picture & edit: caitlin bailey

Si tu ne peux pas
Conprendre ce petit poeme
Tu parles pas francais

I have to go...

picture, text & edit: caitlin bailey

"I'm sorry," you said
As you kissed my outstretched hand
our dance is over

Rotating Office Chair

picture, text & edit: emilia lee

Spinning slowly, I
turn toward the window for a
panoramic view...

oh mon dieu, chaussures!

picture: scott macdougall
text: caitlin bailey
edit: emilia lee

Shoes in my left hand
international affair
with cobblestone streets

Deep Sleep

text: clayton geipel
picture & edit: caitlin bailey

J'ai fait un bon reve
Ou je n'etais pas tont seul
Pourquoi, le reveil?

Full Moon

picture & text: emilia lee

chanting through the night
moon iron hot they cry out
crushing him with moans


found on the filing cabinet of the towson university writing lab
picture: emilia lee

delirious sweat
fingers whisper on bare skin
luscious frantic lust


picture: linda bailey
text: sam green
edit: caitlin bailey

Poems from England
International affair
Bring your beret, Madame

La Coeur

text: clayton geipel
picture and edit: caitlin bailey

L'ecole m'enseignait
de chimie et japonais
mais pas de la coeur


picture, text & edit: simone graff

Ouch! Scraped my elbow
Do not cry, girl with boo boo
Got spongebob bandaids

Treasure Hunt

picture: mim hinson
text & edit: linda bailey

On the horizon
there is treasure to be found.
Where's my pirate ship?

Sunday, April 11, 2010


picture, text & edit: paula lietz

Cherry Blossoms tease
Their soft scent adrift through trees.
Souls of two present.
Timeless entity lovely,
Waltzing with the waning moon.


picture: duane lietz
text & edit: paula lietz

Storm strives for balance,
Windswept across the prairie.
Illusional sun.

Understanding God

picture & edit: caitlin bailey
text: simone graff

I don't understand
His god but I believe in
The comfort it brings.

Dawn's Dream

picture: duane lietz
text & edit: paula lietz

Outloud in silence,
Moonbeam's desire lingers.
Dawn's dream awakes me.

Valentine's Day Haiku

picture: emilia lee
text: michael makowsky
edit: caitlin bailey

Chocolate of the fifteenth
Sixty percent off.


picture: d linton
text & edit: paula lietz

Heartbeat against mine~
May to September romance,
Time had no meaning.

Bugs Bite

picture & edit: caitlin bailey
text: simone graff

Lazing in the sun
Feel the warmth of spring's first rays
Shit, a mosquito.


picture, text & edit: paula lietz

Teacher to student~
Precious gift is knowledge shared.
Student is teacher.

The Wait

picture, text & edit: paula lietz

Treasured love letter~
Tear slips down man's withered face...
Nothing in the mail


picture: duane lietz
text & edit: paula lietz

Small hands hold keepsake
of parallel existence.
Cherished music box.


picture & text: sam green
edit: emilia lee

Booger on the wall
Get outta my potty stall
You nasty girl frien'

Monday, March 8, 2010

Valentine's Day Contest winners!!!

Well, its March, so you know what that means... time to announce the winners of our Valentines Day Mug Haiku Contest Extravaganza. Before we start, just know that all of the people who submitted are beautiful and talented, and if it were up to us they'd all win mugs, limo rides, and exotic pets; unfortunately, we live in a democracy, and there can only be one, so... drum roll please...

Our Second Runner Up:


picture, text & edit: anil rao

Can one really find
Self revelation
In the context of love?

Our First Runner Up:

Love in Key West

text: linda and jim bailey
picture and edit: linda bailey

The love that we have
is bigger than the both of us.
It's mondo awesome!!!!

And the winner of the coolest mug ever!:


picture, text & edit: anthony bartolotti

Smiles are contagious
She seems to always wear one
I can't help myself

Congratulations to Anthony and thanks to everyone who submitted. You're all winners in our book. Its just that some winners have to buy their own mugs.

Monday, March 1, 2010


This one was late, but it's still awesome!

picture, text, and edit: frank dehart

A day filled with love
A cute bear says hows I feel
Shit bitch you is fine

Valentines Day Voting

Howdy Haiku-ers!
Voting is up for the Valentines Day contest, so go here and choose your absolute favorite. They are all wonderful and lovely, just like you!!

Remember, a very excellent mug is on the line here and every vote counts... and unlike any other election, you can do it on the couch. So click it and get your vote on you sexy thing you.

The Haiku Project

For Rachel

picture, text & edit: anil rao

I move
Like the wind

Not Enough Paper Towels

picture, text & edit: travis gopaul

bleeding out of several veins
Sorry, for the mess.


picture, text & edit: tom currier

Do any of us
Really know which way to look
to find happiness?


picture, text & edit: anil rao

Birds can't deny the fact
The world seems to be like
These buildings sometimes


picture, text & edit: anil rao

Hyderabad India
Fashion Haiku

Aisha looked both ways
Before taking off her burka
Keep dreaming grrl


picture, text & edit: tom currier

Even if your traps
Are all lined up and ready
You won't catch your dreams


picture, text & edit: clayton geipel

Red pill or blue pill?
trapped in the matrix again...
I'll never get out


picture, text & edit: anil rao

Can someone please tell me where I am?
I search vainly
Here in this marketplace


picture, text & edit: tom currier

At first glance I'm strange
Just tilt your head a little
And then I'm normal

Friday, February 12, 2010

Do I Smell a Contest?

Hello one and everyone!!!

We're about to hit you with some FREE SWAG!

We haven't gotten any haikus in what seems like months and months and months! It's terrible. We sit in our apartment with the lights off and no heat--with no blankets or coffee or teddy bears to comfort us--and we cry. We cry all day, every day because you are too lazy to send us your lovely haikus and photography. So, we've designed a little incentive program... because those of us taking economics classes know all about incentives...

We've made Haiku Project mugs! They are awesome and they are on the Zazzle site. You can look at them HERE. And just like the t-shirts, you can customize the style and the colors and all that good stuff before buying them. But don't pull out your wallet just yet, friends, because we're giving away one of these ceramic beauties to the lucky winner of our VALENTINE HAIKU CONTEST!-- and the crowd goes wild!

Here are the contest deets:

1. You must send us a COMPLETE project to be eligible.

That means you can't just send us a haiku or a photograph... it has to be whole kitten-caboodle (or kit 'n caboodle as it is actually spelled). We're talkin'... fresh off the press ready to post on the site. We're not doing your editing for you this time, no sir. You can use any editing software you like. We like, but use whatever 'hai's your kus.'

2. The submission must be Valentine's Day or Looooove related.

So, sorry but no haikus about zombies or vampires or other supernatural beings this time. We love them, and please continue to send them... but you can't win the mug that way. And no... your haiku cannot be about sweet vampire lovin'. We are putting the kibosh on all Twilight related haikus for right now. We know you love Edward Cullen... we know Jacob is your true valentine, but frankly we don't care. Though... if you're in love with a zombie... we might take that.

3. You must follow the site submission rules which are posted HERE.

We know it's a drag not to be able to use google images, but we don't want to get in trouble. And it's more authentic this way.

4. The contest will run from today (Feb 12th) until Feb 28th. On March first, my cohort and I will review your submissions and put our favorites up for voting.

The voting will last for 1 week and on March 8th, we'll announce the winner.

That being said, please include some way for us to contact you in your submission email. We totally get that you're emailing us and that we should be able to just send a reply, but some people have like 12 email addresses--all for some different purpose and we want to make sure we can contact you if you win. When you win, we'll email you asking for your address (we promise not to stalk you or show up unannounced) and we'll ship you your brand spankin' new mug!

So that's it. We're expecting a lot from you guys, so hop to it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at and we'll do our best to help you out.

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! We love you! You're pretty!
-The Illustrious Creators of the Haiku Project.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Finals Haiku

text: anonymous
picture & edit: caitlin bailey

Gave you a D
Demand slopes up for no man
Marginal cost, what?


text: yojinbo
picture & edit: caitlin bailey

All imperfections
Are easier to accept
In smaller doses.


picture: mitchell mudd
text: yojinbo
edit: emilia lee

Never love a myth
no matter how comforting
more than you love the truth.

Road Trip

picture: emilia lee
text: simone graff
edit: caitlin bailey

Lights flashing by me
The miles of endless road
swallowing us whole


text: yojinbo
picture & edit: caitlin bailey

A river knows not
What course it is following
Yet never gets lost.


text: yojinbo
picture & edit: emilia lee

Your goodbye echoes
In my ears and in my heart:
Melancholy haze.

Rock Out

text: simone graff
picture & edit: caitlin bailey

the mess of bodies
jumping to the great music
this band is awesome


text: yojinbo
picture & edit: caitlin bailey

War's good for something:
upon the field of battle
the grass grows greenest.


text: yojinbo
picture & edit: caitlin bailey

I often wonder
Just how much of my true self
I have left behind